Monday, April 15, 2013

Don't be such a bitch!

Yep, that's right...don't be such a bitch!  Sure, I could have titled this "Just be nice", or something a bit less offensive.  But at some point we all have an encounter and think, don't be such a bitch!

The world would be a much better place if we just said "don't be such a bitch" to the well-meaning bitches that we deal with every day. Being kind will actually get you to where you're going much faster than being a bitch.

Over the course of a month, I encounter several different types of bitches.  Allow me to lay the bitch types out for you.

1. Volunteer Board Bitch:
This bitch comes in many different forms.  Maybe he/she is one a professional board, a non-profit board or...gasp...the PTO/PTA.  No matter how quickly you work, how many hours you put in, it will NEVER be enough.  They talk down to you, while placing themselves on a soap box.  They are the type that send an email requesting you to do something on one day and the next say, "what is taking so long for you to do this?"  What I'd like to say "Oh, you know a 50+ hour a week job, the three kids, husband, two cats, two dogs and the three other boards I sit on."

2. Work Bitch:
This bitch is always busier than anyone else. They are too busy to say anything with a smile, to say please or thank you or to join in any of the office "reindeer games".

3. Family Bitch: 
We ALL know this bitch, it could be your mom, dad, sister, brother, grandma-hell-it could even be you. I tend to be a pretty kind person, but admittedly, I can be this type of bitch every once in a while. This is the bitch in your family that never offers to help but always gives advice. This is the bitch that comes to the BBQ empty handed, tells you your house is a mess, asks if you're running behind while your three kids run circles around you while you make last minute preparations, and then says they don't like the cake you served.  You love them because they're family, but they're the reason you need pills and margaritas.

How does this translate to my hockey mom duties?  Hockey and all of the other sports they play are expensive and time consuming.  They also bring great joy, better behaved boys, new friends and amazing memories. I'm willing to trade the long hours and money spent for their kindness.  That's it. If my children learn just that, I'm good.  Of course, it's not possible to live an entire life without being a bitch.  I just want them to learn that kindness is important, that it will get you places in life.

I started signing my kids cards with "be kind" last year.  I'm not sure why, maybe I had encountered one too many bitches that week.  Whatever the reason, I liked it, and it stuck.  They're not kind everyday, but their hearts are good and they mean well. When they aren't kind, it's usually to me, their dad or a sibling.  I use those moments to teach them about kindness and how next time they can make better choices, use different words.

That's right folks-hockey mom in training-making the world a less bitchy place-three kids at a time.

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